Sinatah Coffee Special From Dudakawu
Coffee is a beverage that has been roasted coffee beans and smoothed into powder. Coffee is one of the world's most cultivated commodities in more than 50 countries.
Coffee has become part of the pattern of life. The morning after waking up, people have been looking for coffee, to be more eager in the day.
At night before bedtime, many people also consume coffee, as friends stay up or just out of habit.
With the proliferation of coffee shop, coffee drinking activities have become part of the lifestyle. Thus, coffee is now starting to become one of the lifestyles of people in Indonesia, not only from adults, but also young people are starting to like coffee.
Indonesia has the potential that the lifestyle industry needs, one of which is the coffee commodity. Currently, the needs for coffee so much, while land owned by Indonesia is enough to fulfill it.
Eits, but wait a minute. If you confess coffee enthusiasts, have you ever tried Sinatah coffee?
Sinatah coffee is a unique coffee from Dudakawu Village Jepara. Jepara regency is a unique city because it has coastal and mountain areas as well. Besides known as furniture and teak carving also the specificity of Coffee Tempur and Coffee Sinatah.
Sinatah own coffee name taken from the name sendang which became a natural and religious tourism destination in the village Dudakawu. Sinatah coffee is the result of a home industry that produces alternative local coffee products with unique flavor variants, because different plantation conditions in a region can affect the flavor of the coffee beans produced.
Unfortunately coffee stocks are available only from the Robusta type, because according to true coffee drinkers, variants of Robusta coffee are very limited. Another case if in the village Dudakawu able to produce Arabica coffee type which has a very rich variant, the value of Sinatah coffee uniqueness will be higher. The empty Arabica coffee stock from this area, due to weather factor.
Almost 80% of Indonesian coffee production is Robusta coffee.
Sinatah coffee is from robusta coffee beans rounded shape somewhat more dense with smaller seed size with a slightly coarse texture. In contrast to Puring coffee and Sempor coffee from the original arabica type of coffee from Kebumen.
The uniqueness of Sinatah coffee with typical coffee flavor is concentrated, with moderate to severe density and slightly bitter. The taste and aroma of this coffee is very strong, similar to chocolate, black tea, and nuts. After brewed, the fragrance is a bit like wood.
Dudakawu villagers mostly grow coffee in the yard of the house. Not a few also have a coffee garden as a sustainer of everyday life. Almost all residents enjoy coffee by processing themselves. A glass of coffee black-concentrated-sweet-hot is usually served in citizen gatherings.
Dudakawu Village is a potential village of coffee and cocoa farming (Coklat), therefore this village has many coffee and cocoa plantations. Dudakawu also become a tourist area of coffee with a lot of lined stalls selling coffee wedhang, that is steeping black coffee Sinatah Dudakawu processed itself and served to visitors as warmers cold mountain air.
Behind it, the original Sinatah coffee from Dudakawu Village has a long story. Locals since 2000 have already pioneered the planting of coffee, based on instinct that nature is thought to be suitable for growing coffee.
The wishes of the people get appreciation from Perhutani as owner with the land approves the initiative of the inhabitants for the benefit of preserving the environment.
Around 89 farmers are involved in planting coffee on this 48 hectare land. The concept of keeping the forest while growing coffee. Initially they had to buy coffee seeds from the village of Tempur on the slopes of Mount Muria, but now they can grow coffee from the nursery itself.
Through the local potential vocational village vocational coffee program in Dudakawu village began to be excavated, coffee processing pioneers increasingly be taken seriously.
In process pure Sinatah coffee, to keep the fruit coffee is picked is a red fruit, maintaining the distinctiveness of aroma and taste, storage coffee beans longer, because the storage of coffee beans longer will produce better coffee.
Dudakawu coffee business practitioners study hard enough to be able to conjure black coffee beans into drug all the restless everyone.
From Sinatah coffee which began intensively introduced to the public, the uniqueness of the story behind the name of Dudakawu village and its tourism potential is quite interesting to be listened to.
The village of Dudakawu has a long history. At first, this village is a jungle but over time, many people are clearing forests to be made settlements.
The origin of Dudakawu's own name has many versions of the story. The first version, the word dudak comes from the type of snake that exist in the forest of snakes dudak. It refers to the character of the silent nature of Dudakawu society, but if it hurts or feels threatened it will soon fight back. Other versions mention that in ancient times, there was a lot of volcanic ash covering this settlement so called Dudakawu.
In general, Dudakawu villagers are characterized as mountainous villagers.
Potential tours in the village of Dudakawu among others Sendang Sinatah which is the most visited religious attractions, Nglamer Waterfall is located on the hillside, and the cave that supposedly to be a tiger's nest.
Coffee has many benefits. Starting from lowering the risk of heart disease to contain antioxidants that can prevent cancer. Coffee can also serve as a mild pain relief.
There have been so many scientific studies confirming that coffee habits have the potential to bring a million health benefits - from fighting depression, lowering the risk of stroke and prostate cancer to men, to maintaining heart health.
Drinking coffee in the morning can indeed make the coffee lovers feel excited. The content of caffeine in coffee is able to provide energy and a maximum mood. However, for ulcer sufferers who like coffee, "ritual" drinking coffee is not always fun because it can make the stomach feels begah and bloated.
For some people, coffee becomes the mainstay drink to start the day. Function as a spur of the spirit, making someone feel more fresh and essentially not easy to sleep in the morning.
At night before bedtime, many people also consume coffee, can be for friends stay up or just out of habit. Apparently, coffee has become part of the pattern of life.
Seeing the wide-ranging opportunities in coffee industry and Sinatah Dudakawu coffee potency, it is necessary to do production management aimed at creating quality Sinatah coffee processed products and favored by the market.
By maintaining the quality and growing new innovations from coffee business actors are expected to increase the selling value, competitiveness, and branding Sinatah coffee more global and can introduce Robusta coffee Sinatah to foreign countries that lead to the welfare of coffee farmers Sinatah Dudakawu and growth local consumption Sinatah coffee
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