Saturday, December 16, 2017

Lanang Coffee, Indonesia Coffee Expensive Price

Lanang Coffee, Indonesia Coffee Expensive Price

Lanang Coffee, Indonesia Coffee Expensive Price
Coffee is not a new drink for Indonesians. Culture of coffee ingrained from the type "tubruk" in remote countryside to french press, aero press, to vietnamese drip in the cafes of the capital.

According to the World Atlas website, Indonesia is the world's fourth largest coffee producing country by 2016. Last year Indonesia produced 660 million kilograms of coffee beans from a million hectares of coffee plantations. In 2016, production increased to 739 million kilograms of coffee beans. As a coffee producing country, Indonesia is famous for its coffee diversity such as Gayo coffee, Kintamani coffee, Tator coffee,  Luwak coffee, Colo coffee, Lanang coffee, and various other coffees.

The term " lanang coffee" often appears when ordering coffee in the cafe or when buying coffee beans. Many people are confused when confronted with the name, considering "lanang" itself means male in Indonesian.

This type of coffee is often considered special by those who like unusual tastes. Although the existence of coffee lanang not as famous as civet coffee, but it turns out the price competes with the price of luwak coffee. In fact, on the type of coffee lanang of certain coffee varieties, the price can be far beat civet coffee. Although the name is not as famous as the single origin, yet lanang coffee can still compete in the market. As a consumer of course you want to consume the best coffee, made from carefully selected coffee beans.

Lanang coffee can be one of the rare coffee. If you belong to a group that loves rare coffees, then coffee lanang can be one of the right choice. Coffee lanang-international trade language peaberry coffee-is a post-harvest coffee bean that experienced anomalies or abnormalities.

Although it looks 'not normal', coffee beans lanang not necessarily mean defective or unfit for consumption. Conversely, the anomalies in coffee lanang actually have its own privilege to be enjoyed. Coffee beans lanang in the form of monocots. Generally seen from the structure of coffee fruit, coffee fruit when opened outer skin, always consists of two parts of the bean because it is dikotil and somewhat flat plant coffee. Maybe from this form is then referred to as coffee lanang. Lanang itself in Javanese means male.

According to the Agency for Industrial and Refreshing Crops Research (IAARD), the Ministry of Agriculture, called lanang coffee can be called anomalous caused by several things, namely not optimal pollination due to damage of flower sticks due to insects or wind, the malnutrition or imbalance of food distribution at the time of fertilization, is over 10 years old or a stressful tree that leads to a decrease in pollination capability naturally, a genetic disorder.

Up to this point, it is known that coffee lanang is a natural processed coffee. Not using any engineering. First of all, the lanang coffee anomaly can be seen in the shape of the seeds. This "weird" shape can already be identified since picking and usually starts to be separated in the sort process.

If the coffee cherry (from the same tree) is peeled, there are two possible seed contents. First, one coffee bean lanang (monokotil). Second, two coffee beans in general (dikotil). In coffee beans lanang the state of the fruit is different, in one fruit there is only one coffee bean attached. Coffee beans lanang shaped almost rounded like a nut and tend to intact without splitting. Coffee beans this lanang that should grow two, so one so absorb more. This shape is certainly different from the coffee beans in general, which is flat on one part and convex on the other - like a split pea seed.

As it grows differently, the lanang coffee beans eventually have a stronger flavor than regular coffee beans, considered suitable for men. In terms of taste of coffee beans lanang slightly more viscous, but not significant. Coffee lanang has a softer taste, the texture is solid, the aroma is similar to civet coffee, caffeine is 2.1% higher than ordinary coffee and according to the assumption in some areas in Indonesia can increase the power of male vital tools. The belief in the efficacy of the coffee lanang for the vitality of the man has been owned by generations of his ancestors, and remain sustainable until now.

How to consume, there are chewed directly when still raw or chewed after cooked after roasted so like a snack. Lanang coffee can also be made as a drink, as in general. In this way, coffee lanang is known to have a taste that is almost similar to Luwak coffee, but feels more bitter.

In one coffee tree there is usually always 10-20 percent of the coffee bean lanang and it takes more effort to separate the dicoty and monocotyl seeds from the coffee fruit. The scarcity and the process of sorting is complicated, more thorough and longer than ordinary coffee beans because in every one kilogram of coffee, the coffee content of lanang is only half an ounce and the efficacy factor causes the price of lanang coffee beans finally more expensive when sold in the market. Roasted lanang coffee can have a relatively more expensive price.

Lanang coffee is not derived from certain species and varieties of coffee plants. Whether from arabica, robusta or other types of coffee, it is possible to contain the beans of this lanang coffee. However, the amount of lanang coffee produced in one harvest is usually less.

Coffee harvest time, natural farmers do not sorting out between ordinary coffee beans and coffee beans lanang this thing can be utilized in terms of business see the price of coffee lanang far more expensive than ordinary coffee. But there are also coffee farmers who have separated between ordinary coffee beans with coffee beans lanang.

Coffee through a long process until it becomes coffee powder. There is such a thing as grading. Once harvested, then sorted (quality) coffee beans. Defect (defective coffee beans) that should not be milled was accommodated, The process of roasted coffee beans until the process of grinding.

The price of coffee lanang is also based on the type of coffee. The type of coffee lanang from robusta has a different price than the type of coffee lanang arabika. Even the price will be more expensive if the coffee lanang it through the process of animal digestion mongoose. The price can be doubled even from ordinary luwak coffee.

Coffee lanang through the process of animal digestive mongoose species, the price follows the coffee variety and the origin of the animal mongoose. Wild mongoose is more expensive than cage mongoose.

The existence of coffee lanang is not yet as famous as civet coffee that first became a trend among the wider community. In fact, the flavor, the quality of this coffee is not much different from the coffee produced digestive process of mongoose animals with caffeine content Coffee lanang higher range of 2.1 percent of regular coffee. Coffee demand lanang still only come from certain circles only.

So, is the quality of coffee lanang better than ordinary coffee? Relatively. About the aroma and taste, that's the taste of each consumer.

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